Friday 27 March 2015

Newbury Library Artwork

Our pupils are always very proud of what they do, and never more-so than when they get their artwork recognised and displayed outside of the school.

Hayley O'Donnell (Class Teacher) has led this project over this year. Students from Priors Court have been coming to her Go afternoon group on a Thursday and have joined Castle School students. Working together, the students cut out and decorated the circles with different designs (see picture below). They then painted the canvas and stuck the circles on. The work is designed to celebrate the fact that everyone is different. The students from both schools worked really well together. The students made real friendships and worked really well together.

The work will be displayed in the children's library at Newbury Library. The librarians have decided to put the work up and unveil it at their world book night on the 23rd April 2015. Please come along if you can.

The project also produced two other works; one for Priors Court and one for Castle School as a memento of this collaboration.

For those into your social media, there are links to more information below: