Monday, 30 March 2015

A wonderful night at The Anvil

On Tuesday 24th March, some of Pendragon class took part in a music festival at the Anvil Theatre in Basingstoke.  They had spent the whole of the Spring term learning all the songs from Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat and performed them absolutely brilliantly.

The highlight was the chance for them to perform with professional musicians, and they were blown away by the percussionists who we could look down on.  We now know how to play the tambourine in at least 5 different ways.

In the photo below, The Castle School are sat up on the right hand side wearing white t-shirts, as this is the rehearsal. We all changed into coloured t-shirts for the performance.  The students loved singing all the songs and will be performing Benjamin's Calypso at 'Castles Got Talent' on Tuesday.

Thanks, Ali
Music Teacher