Wednesday 14 October 2015

Harvest Festival

We had our annual Harvest Festival last week and our pupils excelled themselves again. We had a lovely time singing hymns and listening to what each class had made for the festival. It was a wonderful occasion which brought the whole school together to think about people who may not have easy access to food and shelter. All the food collected by the classes was then taken to Tesco by Windsor Class for collection by West Berkshire Food Bank who were very pleased. I received a lovely email from them as follows:

When the Warehouse Manager and I collected them yesterday we had the most delightful surprise in that not only were there generous donations but everything was contained in the most beautifully decorated boxes. The children had clearly spent a long time constructing, creating and decorating all the containers. Please pass on my thanks on behalf of the Foodbank to all the children, parents and staff; we really appreciate the donations and the beautiful art work. Your donations weighed 137.9kg which is the equivalent of 126 meals.”

Thank you to all the parents for their wonderful donations which enabled us to achieve this massive total.

Well done