Wednesday 1 July 2015

Duke of Edingburgh Award

On the 26th of June 7 students embarked on their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze expedition. 4 were completing their practice expedition and the other 3 where completing their full expedition which was the final section of their bronze award.

The students set off on the River Thames from Wolvercote in Oxfordshire with the aim of reaching Abingdon the following evening.

The students paddled independently for the day to their camp site where they then set up camp, cooked dinner and then tried to rest ready for the following full day of paddling.

The second day started early and the students worked fantastically as a team to pack up camp and get on the water. Despite challenging winds and torrential rain the students managed to reach Abingdon by the end of day two. There was singing led by Terry which kept morale high!

Throughout the two days, a Duke of Edinburgh assessor was watching the progress of the students to ensure they met the standards needed to pass the expedition. He was so impressed with the whole group and commented on how he had not seen a group work so well together before.

Congratulations to Donna, Terry and Tiana who have now completed their Bronze award which is a fantastic achievement.