Monday, 27 April 2015

Collaborative Collage

This wonderful inspirational picture, displays the self-collages which some of the pupils made during our Friday afternoon Inclusion For Learning sessions - ’Let me be creative’

The group consisted of pupils rom Foundation Stage and Key Stages 3 and 4.
During the 9 weeks it took to complete, the pupils worked independently, in pairs and as a whole group.
We spoke to the children about what the school means to them.  The answers included; friendships, being happy and helping each other.
We started by the pupils looking at their own reflections and smiling into a mirror, followed by a self-portrait picture. Next, they teamed up into pairs and helped each other to draw around themselves.  Over the next few weeks, the pupils chose their materials and colours to personalise their collage work.
We then spoke about our surroundings and the pupils said “trees, flowers, birds and they all said rabbits and moles, lots of moles!!”
I think we can all agree that this work needs to be celebrated and seen by all who attend and visit our school.